Cyber Ninjas - An Overview

Cyber Ninjas

So why do you need CYBER NINJAS?

Well, you probably have a pressing need to train your staff to a good working level of Cyber and GDPR awareness. You're fire-fighting data breaches and the clicking of malicious links. And you need to be able to demonstrate your organisation is taking serious steps to reduce these threats - with real metrics and evidence. Cyber Ninjas is for you.

Cyber Ninjas all-staff training is inspired by the original Cyber & GDPR training we produced for the BBC - the only mandatory course they have. Imagine having to train 22,000 reluctant learners, some of whom are amongst the most creative and demanding on the planet. It needs to be good, right?

OK, so we admit it. Cyber Ninjas is entertaining and informative - it’s not the usual e-learning formula - and numerous glowing testimonials from our learners confirm they love what they’re experiencing. Crucially, it's also NCSC-certified, meaning you can rest assured that while they're entertained, they're also getting the best quality advice.

CYBER NINJAS is available as a SCORM package or via our Matobo Learning cloud-hosted LMS.


Cyber Ninjas REFRESH

Cyber Ninjas now includes our annually updated top-up module called REFRESH, with a mandatory quiz and all of the latest advice. REFRESH is just that - a quick refresher. Your learners will thank you for not "sheep-dipping" them with the same training - and you'll be safe in the knowledge that you're doing everything you can to keep them up to date and cyber aware.

For course/module estimated timings to complete, please visit the Module Descriptions section.