Cyber Ninjas - Module Descriptions

Cyber Ninjas is made up of 12 core modules and the Refresh module. Each module has been carefully written so that the learner feels they are being addressed directly by their organisation. The official NCSC estimated time to complete is stated after each module title.


001 - We Need To Talk About Cyber Security (10 MINS)

An introduction to the course, which is split into 12 modules. Each module features a training video, followed by a quiz - which you'll need to answer correctly to complete the module. In this module we talk about why Cyber Security and GDPR matter - and your fundamental role in preventing hackers from attacking and penetrating our organisation and our partners.

002 GDPR - What is Personal Data? (10 MINS)

This module explores the definition of Personal Data and some of the key implications of the UK General DataProtection Regulation, which came into effect in 2018, as part of the UK's updated Data Protection Act.

003 GDPR - Handling Personal Data (12 MINS)

What are the important things you need to know and do, when handling Personal Data? This module explores the changes we need to have in place, in order to comply with the tighter rules and increased penalties of the UKGDPR.

004 - Passwords (10 MINS)

Sorting your passwords - probably the single most effective thing you can do to beat those pesky hackers. So how do you achieve a password that's easy to remember, while being super difficult to hack? We also explore Password Managers and the best way to create pass-phrases that you can easily remember.

005 - JDLR (17 MINS)

If we're going to stay one step ahead of cyber crime, we all need that little voice in our head that gets a sense when something JDLR - just doesn't look right. Phishing, spear-phishing, phone scams and smishing. It's all here - plus a new exercise to test your JDLR senses.

006 - Ransomware (10 MINS)

So far, we’ve taken a look at some of the psychological scams the hackers use and how they might affect you and your colleagues. But what about scams and hustles on an industrial scale? The sort of thing that could shut down our entire organisation in minutes? Ransomware has become a huge business and it’s growing fast on the dark web. The clever bit? It attacks on two fronts – availability and confidentiality.

007 - Social Media (9 MINS)

In this module, we explore how using Social Media might leave you vulnerable to spear phishing and how that can lead to wider phishing attacks on the rest of us. Yes... really! Also, we take a look at how our social media privacy settings might leave us vulnerable at work - and how posts might be threatening to vulnerable customers and service users, possibly even leading to a data breach. We'll also take you through the steps to make your personal Social Media accounts resilient to cyber-attack.

008 - Internet Security (9 MINS)

Let's take a look at accessing public Wi-Fi and some top tips on how to do it securely. And that padlock in the corner of your web browser. It means you're good to go, right? Hold on. It may not be as secure as you think...

009 - Cloud Services and Sharing (9 MINS)

Digital information - too easy to share the wrong stuff with the wrong person in the wrong place, right? Let's take a look at the most secure way to save and share documents in the cloud, plus some tips on how to collaborate securely and safely on internal cloud-based systems.

010 - Email Accounts (8 MINS)

Let's take a look at personal and work email accounts - which one to use - and when. Pay attention here, because misdirected emails are the number one cause of data breaches in the UK.

011 - Devices and Apps (10 MINS)

Portable devices. Powerful, aren't they? Hold on. When was the last time you checked and updated your operating system and apps? Let's take a look at how to set up your bluetooth connections, which apps to trust and what permissions you might give to different apps.

012 - Offline Security (10 MINS)

So far, we've focused on online security. But what if you are out and about? Let's take a look at the simple changes you can make to keep information secure - both at work and when you're on the move.



So you’ve done the training. But we all need a refresher, right? Sit back for 10 mins and absorb the very latest thinking and top tips around cyber security, so you’re always staying a step ahead of those hackers - protecting yourself and all of us against attack.